A protective order in Oklahoma City is signed by a judge and instructs a defendant to cease certain activities. The defendant is not usually in court when protective orders are first issued.
Typically, a protective order in Oklahoma tells the defendant not to make any contact with a victim or be within a certain distance. The defendant is expected not to contact the victim (petitioner) by any means, including making a phone call, writing a letter or email, and through social media.
Getting a Protective Order in Oklahoma
These orders can be issued to any gender to anyone who is alleged to have harassed, stalked, or abused the petitioner or a minor. Protective orders, also known as restraining orders, can be temporary or permanent.
When they are temporary, they can last up to the next court hearing when the defendant can present his or her side of the story. Permanent restraining orders can last up to a year.
While protective orders have been effective in what they are intended, they are subject to abuse. They can be misused to embarrass the other party in a dispute, to influence a child custody case, or to gain leverage in a divorce. A temporary order being turned into a permanent order can have negative ramifications for the defendant.
The following is what you should do when the police serve you with a bogus protective order in Oklahoma.
- Comply with the order, even if it will cause significant changes to your daily life. Control your emotions and do not contact the other party, no matter how outrageous and unwarranted the order may be. Reaching out to the other party could escalate things, which is what you would not want to do after receiving a restraining order. Your best course of action after being served with the order is to read it carefully so that you do not inadvertently violate it.
- If the order bars you from having a firearm, surrender your guns to the sheriff when the order is served. If you anticipate receiving a protective order, you can leave your guns with a third party where they will be safe and you won’t have access to them during the duration of the protective order.
- You must not in any way violate a protective order. Violating an order could result in criminal misdemeanor charges brought against you. Future violations could result in you facing felony charges.
- Document anything that you can present in court to tell your side of the story. Take screenshots or download text messages from your phone. Save voice calls and emails that could be evidence. If there happen to be witnesses, get their contact information. Get police reports that could contain any proof.
- Contest the protective order in court. Find out when the next hearing is and be sure to be in court to present your defense.
- Contact an Oklahoma City protective order defense lawyer to find out how they can help. You must have a legal expert at your side when you show up in court. A temporary restraining order becoming permanent can have a lot of impact on your life. It can affect your travel, your professional licenses if you can own a gun for hunting, and so on.
Low-cost Consultation: Oklahoma City Protective Order Defense Attorney
When so much is at stake, it’s seldom best to rely on one’s wits alone to get the best result. The knowledge and experience of a skilled Oklahoma City protective order defense attorney provide the confidence you need to move forward.
We offer initial consultations at no cost. Discover how our law experts can help you through a difficult time.
For a initial consultation with an experienced attorney, call (405) 880-8222 today.
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